Mentoring for Engineering Academia II:
BIRS 2007 Workshop
Robert M. Gray, Sheila Hemami, Eve Riskin, Rabab Ward,
Suzanne Brainard, Pamela Cosman, Norman Fortenberry,
Janet Rutledge,
Telle Whitney
Copyright ©2007 by Robert M. Gray, Sheila Hemami, Eve Riskin, Rabab Ward, Suzanne Brainard, Pamela Cosman, Norman Fortenberry, Janet Rutledge, Telle Whitney. "Feedback from Workshop Participants" chapter copyrighted by Lydia M. Contreras and Jamie Walls. This material is freely available provided suitable acknowledgement is made to the source, the Banff International Research Station and provided no changes are made without the permission of the editors. No claim is made to ownership of the images and these should not be used for other purposes without specific permission from their owners.
The opinions stated in this document are those of the editors and participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any of the supporting institutions.