Faculty Mentoring Program for Women
The following list represents a compilation of activities in which past participants of the ADVANCE Faculty Mentoring Program for Women have engaged. These are merely examples of the kinds of things from which new faculty members can benefit. No single relationship, whether formal or informal, can engage in all of these activities -- this is why we have increased opportunities for peer mentoring within the program.
Mentoring Topics/Activities
- Read and respond to grant proposals
- Advice on establishing a publication record
- Conference involvement and selection
- Recruitment of undergraduate and graduate students
- Research group organization
- Preparing for excellence in teaching
- Creating a teaching portfolio
- Review and design of syllabi
- Publication of education-related papers
- Work on strategies for advising students
- Classroom management
Professional Service
- Committee involvement
- Professional organization involvement
Community Service
- Outreach for UTEP as an institution
- Community involvement, organizations, charities
- Neighborhood organizations
Tenure and Promotion Issues
- Prepare for third year reviews, CVs and annual merit reviews
- Create a professional file
- Communicate and explore P and T expectations
University/School/Departmental Environment and Acculturation
- Departmental funding
- Development of collegial relationships
- Associations, teams, interest groups, etc. in department or school
- Resources available at the university for faculty
Mutual interests and experiences
Family and Balance Issues
- Single and childless
- Faculty spouse
- Single parent
- Childcare responsibilities and options
- Eldercare responsibilities and options
Culture and Religion
- Local arts and music
- Churches, church groups and related activities
- Ethnic events, festivals, resources
Personal Interests
- Hiking
- Camping
- Bicycling
- Handicrafts
- Antiques
- Other
Developed by Tine Reimers for the Faculty Mentoring Program for Women at the University of Texas at El Paso
November 15, 2007